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A Call To Action

Julian Assange: A Call for Support in the Fight for Freedom

A Call to Action

Join us in the fight for Julian Assange's freedom by making a donation to our campaign. Your support is crucial in covering legal fees and raising awareness about this ongoing case.

Stella Assange: A Voice for Human Rights

Stella Assange, a human rights lawyer born in South Africa, has been a tireless advocate for Julian's cause. She married him in March 2022, and they have two young children together.

Julian Assange: A Symbol of Press Freedom

My husband, Julian Assange, is an Australian journalist, publisher, and activist best known as the founder of WikiLeaks. His work has exposed government wrongdoing and shed light on important issues of public interest.

A Legal Battle in Progress

Stella Assange is actively involved in Julian's legal defense. She has represented him in court, fought for his extradition, and continues to advocate for his release.

A Call for Solidarity

We urge you to join us in the fight for Julian Assange's freedom. Your support will contribute to his legal defense, raise awareness about his case, and send a clear message that journalism and press freedom must be protected.

Donate today and make a difference.
